wear some fun stripes. any stripes will do.
make your very own cheese using one of these amazing kits. and send one to me, as i am dying to try it!
do this fantastic art project with your kids. then pat yourself on the back for quality time spent and an extra high five for the educational value. well done.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
so, i am a little obsessed with the blog
scout's honor co. as of late.
i seem to love everything they post.
my favorite are the never-ending vintage pennants
they seem to find.
and so it was that i was inspired to make my own.
*(if you wanted to skip the sewing and just go for the
hot glue gun, it would still look super cute, i do believe)
don't you think mini-pennants would be the cutest
party favors?
i just might have to plan a party around that idea...
i also think it would be fun to make
city pennants like this one.
aw, the possibilities are endless...
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
stripey tote tutorial.
so i was in need of a new purse...bored of the one
i was carrying so during an adventurous naptime the
other day i found some ikea dish towels
i bought a while ago and thought, aha. perfect.
so here goes.
step one:
go to ikea and buy a roll of stripey blue dish towels.
1. iron two dish towels in half. fold down to second stripe,
iron down.
2. open each towel and cut off the top two blue stripes
to make a strap.
3. make straps. fold outer edges in 1/4 in. and iron down.
fold piece in half, iron and seam stitch together/down.
4. cut 2 lining pieces the same size as each cut
towel. now stitch together the pieces with the lining piece
wrong side facing you. stitch to the top of the raw edge
you had cut off. and then flip open, fold over and iron flat.
5. stitch down the sides and bottom.
6. stitch together the two pieces, stripes facing each other, lining facing out.
7. turn purse right side out and sew on straps to the inner lining.
Voila! you have a happy purse!
and ps. i added an inner zipper but it was totally against any sewing
rules so i left this part out of the tutorial. i just love having a secure place
for keys/cell phone so i don't have to go scrambling around.
thats not to say i still don't constantly lose my phone....
found it today inside of one of ruby's purses around
7pm. nice.
hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
everything from this adorable shop
caramel baby and child.
i'll take one of everything.
and a couple of those inspiration boards, too.
{from caramel baby and child}
this perfect little summer succulents project.
i especially love the little flag.
just added this one to my to-do list.
{from oh, hello friend}
these fantastic invites.
inspired by vintage nyc subway signs.
to be honest, i love everything
scout's honor co. turns out.
they're pretty rad.
{from scout's honor co.}
where i would like to spend my next vacation.
do you see those ropes for the swing below the porch?
go check out the rest of the pictures
and you'll be asking to come along.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
dollhouse platform.
when i came across this i could not help but share.
would this not be the most fun to make....
and display somewhere in the home?
i may have to venture back to home depot soon....
that chair is too much.
{from made by joel}
Friday, July 22, 2011
wear a sweet summer dress while you can in these hot months. believe it or not, you might miss them.
make a fun fabric diary like these ones. i love the idea of fabric scraps and little notes next to them, even simply for the visual appeal. i might have to try this.
do try out some homemade creme fraiche, and perhaps gift it to an appreciative friend. My oh my is it good!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
one of those days...
this morning my internet wouldn't work.
now my pictures won't load.
and i have already spent far too much time
trying to fix both and feeling like my morning
has been wasted, which, in turn, makes me grumpy.
so, the cute project i was going to share today
will have to wait.
in the meantime, i am going to see if i have
all the ingredients to make this amazing
looking strawberry cream pie.
you should make one, too.
just looking at the picture, i can see my day
is already looking brighter...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
indoor gardening.
i spotted this sweet little project for growing
herbs in mason jars indoors.
while it mentions being perfect for winter months
i thought it was rather perfect for summer in phoenix,
when everything gets burnt up in the sun.
if you have some jars lying around, go for it!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
a linen apron.
this one specifically.
{from small batch production}
this simple and perfect breakfast.
and who doesnt love a series
of breakfast shots?
{from simply breakfast}
a perfect shade of light pink cake,
sprinkled just right
for my unbirthday celebration.
{from sweetapolita}
s mostly white room with splashes
of color always suits
my fancy.
{from from scandanavia with love}
a cheery outdoor soiree involving
pink lemonade in jars
looks just right.
{from a little sussy via simple blueprint}
this simple and perfect breakfast.
and who doesnt love a series
of breakfast shots?
{from simply breakfast}
Monday, July 18, 2011
good morning
i bought you some flowers and peaches
at the farmer's market.
so, what should we do today?
i am in some serious need of inspiration.
a delicious recipe,
a fantastic sewing project,
a fun kids' craft,
the perfect summer book,
or even an exciting adventure.
so, what have you got for me?
Friday, July 15, 2011
wear this adorable and oh-so-summery little dress. and if you are feeling really fancy, go for the hairstyle and lipstick, too.
make this amazing homemade ice cream. bust out that ice cream maker or justify finally buying one... it seems to be a summertime must.
do stack a whole heap of bracelets (like the friendship bracelets you have been spending your long summer days making) together to snaz up that everyday outfit.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
a summer outing
headed out to paletas betty the other day
it did not disappoint.
not a bit.
they were serving key lime pie
with graham cracker crust,
bananas foster,
orange with vanilla cream
and a dozen more including a vanilla rice pudding.
do yourself a favor and go try one
of the amazing popsicles from paletas betty
with that cute little bite missing from it.
or call me and i will meet you there.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
photo collage.
just an idea. if you are in need of somewhere to put your
favorite photos and are lacking frames.
i took an ugly canvas and covered it with fabric,
then pinned photos to it.
kids love looking at pictures...esp. if they are princesses.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
receiving this cute of an invite.
and to a craft party, no less.
{from my life as a sugar lander}
hiring an ice cream bike for my next party.
the absolute most fun idea i have seen
for a party in a long, long time.
i am still smiling just thinking about it.
{from you are my fave}
this cutest little old fashion swim suit.
just picturing some chubby little legs
sticking out the bottom makes me giggle.
and the polka dots and ric-rac?
come on.
i think i need to go order one right now...
{from dagmar daley}
the cleanness and simplicity of this space.
i just love that creamy paper tacked to the wall.
actually, all the pictures of this apartment
are rather amazing.
go have a look.
{from decor 8}
each and every pic of this jeweler at work.
gorgeous, original and amazing.
so fascinating to see the hands at work.
{from the makers}
this cutest little old fashion swim suit.
just picturing some chubby little legs
sticking out the bottom makes me giggle.
and the polka dots and ric-rac?
come on.
i think i need to go order one right now...
{from dagmar daley}
the cleanness and simplicity of this space.
i just love that creamy paper tacked to the wall.
actually, all the pictures of this apartment
are rather amazing.
go have a look.
{from decor 8}
each and every pic of this jeweler at work.
gorgeous, original and amazing.
so fascinating to see the hands at work.
{from the makers}
Monday, July 11, 2011
hello monday.
lets set up a lemonade stand and make this
monday bright and cheery don't ya think?
we'll show you hot summer.
go check out neighborly living
for full instructions and lemonade recipe to get you going!